Haven't We Already Seen the End of This Movie?


We can sure from the Nine Harbingers of Isaiah 9:10 that God judges nations. 

We can be sure from the Tenth Harbinger of Jeremiah 36 that there is a point of no return beyond which that judgment is certain, and for nations founded on Biblical principles that line is crossed when Scripture is desecrated and faith is criminalized. 

We can be sure that worldwide gay marriage movement of the 21st century is following the same playbook as the German gay rights movement of the 20th century, and the results will be the same:  ferocious genocide upon people of biblical faith, and cataclysmic destruction of the nations that sponsor this genocide. 

As for the when’s who’s, how’s… that is all speculation.  The dates, times, and places are not in the Bible--- just the patterns of divine history.  And that in itself is scary enough.

What happens from here?  Anything is possible, but a few things are likely… because we’ve already seen the end of this movie.

The gay marriage debate is pretty much over. Believers will oppose it on grounds of religious conscience, but unless there is a huge, game-changing event, it’s pretty much decided. Gay marriage will become law of the land, as the issue will never be resolved if it is left up to fifty states to agree to anything.  The satanic militants have got everybody’s ear--- there is no way they cannot drive this to a national moral cram-down. 

Bashing Christians is becoming a snare for America---it’s just too COOL!  We just cannot get enough out of seeing Christians abused, deprived of their rights, fined ginormous sums of money, sent to prison, covered with excrement, wandering about in sheepskins and goatskins, living in holes in the ground.   We are addicted to persecution, and too much can never be enough until we are completely destroyed by our bloodthirsty desire to destroy God’s people.  

The 2012 presidential election will do little to change the eternal direction of the US, or bring those of biblical faith much relief.   Romney is at best a Wendell Willkie and his Party of RINO's are dutifully focused on the economy (stupid!), and can't be bothered with trivial social and moral issues.   Meanwhile, the Democratic Party, (shouldn't we be calling them the "Party of Death"?)—those vociferous protectors of child murder, homofascist death threats, and Islamic honor killings--- have brought together their faithful mouthpieces in education, the media, and the legal industry to accelerate the death of a nation.   

So here’s one potential endgame:

 The Gay Sharia, enforced by homofascism, will run unchecked under a warmly approving Obama or a weakly resisting Romney, manifesting itself in increasingly public, perverted, and violent displays  of homosexual depravity until it slights radical Islam.    An enraged response will erupt from the Islamic community requiring the blood justice their creed demands.  The Islamofascists  will be just as encroached in the institutions of government, just as legally protected, and just as hair-trigger in their hysteria.  They may be slightly less well-heeled as middle class, but they will vastly outnumber the homofascists, and will have the covert financial support of international Islamic charities, who will pour petrodollars into their campaign against the perverted American regime oppressing their Muslim brothers.

·         What would happen then?  The liberal establishment would absolutely not know what to do as two politically protected groups are now at each others’ throats.  The homofascists as the ruling class would have the upper hand at the start, but the Islamists who are more battle hardened and not afraid to die violently for Allah-- would eventually prevail.  The Islamists would annihilate the homofascists,  massacre the gays to prevent such a thing from ever happening again, and win wide respect as the heroic defenders of public safety and restorers of order and morality.  US Christianity, meanwhile, will take on the stigma of the German churches, known as the weak-kneed "religion" that respectfully stood by in safe silence as America slid into chaos.

·         With Muslims firmly in the seat of power and owing nothing to anybody for it, Islamofascists would be free to eventually turn on Christianity and eliminate it from the US.  Sharia will trump the Constitution and civil rights will be determined by the mullahs.  An Islamic dictatorship in the US would embark on an ethnic, cultural, orientation and religious cleansing that will bring an Iran-like theocracy masquerading as constitutional democracy to the US.  This suppression would continue until Christianity resurrects in the US as it is now doing… in Iran.  

From an eternal perspective, what is the ultimate reason for all this happening? 

Christians are too afraid of offending and not outraged and taking action when they are offended.  We are willing to be a doormat for a vocal minority and let them bully us as if they were the majority.

And where’s God’s judgment in all of this?  In the fact that He doesn’t have to do a thing.  He just walks away and lets America exercise its inalienable right to strangle itself to death.  The homofascists start doing violence to the religious community and because too much is never enough they will ---uh-oh--- hit the Muslim community… It was an accident!  their apologists will insist.  We didn’t mean it!  But the damage will have been done.  There will be lots of backpedalling in the media but it will be too late--- the Democratic establishment will fall all over itself to enforce the new Sharia, the homofascists will be thrown under the bus, and it will be the beginning of the end of America as we knew it.

Your takeaway?  Stay tuned…   

 Next:  If we can't get creative, we may need to get sacrificial