Nine Harbingers Are Of Judgment, Tenth Is Of Genocide
So what is the point of all these harbingers?
Simply this: what our leaders, employers, intellectuals, and opinionmakers tell us is happening is not what is really going on. God has stepped in and taken a hand in events. Will you heed Him or will you ignore Him? Are you more concerned about being on the right side of history or about being on the right side of eternity?
The Nine Harbingers of the Isaiah 9:10 prophecy that were repeated around the events of 9/11 establish through historical record and physical evidence that the United States of America is under judgment. There is no other way that people and organizations so disinclined to follow God could be made to do His bidding otherwise--- in spite of every vow not to do God’s will. Read Rabbi Cahn’s amazing book, The Harbinger, see the movie (or both!) and judge for yourself.
It takes MORE faith to believe these events do NOT point to a God trying to tell us something than to believe they just randomly happened.
The Tenth Harbinger establishes that there is a boundary which no nation can cross without dooming itself to extinction. Once a nation has passed the point of no return, all warnings from the Lord cease, leaving only a certain and fearful expectation of punishment (Hebrews 10:26-31).
For nations built on biblical principles, such as Israel and the United States, that boundary is marked by the breaking of two seals: a) the desecration and destruction of Scripture; b) the criminalization of biblical faith.
Under the Obama regime, America has veered sharply away from the protections that have kept her within saving grasp for over two hundred years, and accelerated her towards that point of no return. Driving that acceleration is the gay marriage or “marriage equality” movement. The proposition of being free to marry whoever you love sounds sugary enough, but its implementation requires the violation of Scripture, and the criminalization of those who act in conscience upon Scripture. There can be no opt-outs or conscientious objection if gay marriage is to be morally acceptable and legally enforceable. Any opposition on any grounds to gay marriage must be defeated and destroyed. On this the cultural, intellectual, and legal elites are in agreement.
More and more it is appearing that a new morality will have to be dictated from the top down. And it will have to be done at gunpoint, if the calls from gay partisans for the public rape, torture, beheading and mutilation of anyone disagreeing with their agenda are to be taken seriously. Verbal violence is now escalating into incidents of physical violence that are blacked out in the mainstream press, or covered over as "disagreements," such as the recent attack on Family Research Council in Washington by a homofascist operative.
In addition to this, the indoctrination financed by our tax and tuition dollars in the schools, and creeping gay sharia being implemented in the courts, revenue, and public safety agencies are providing the underpinning that will allow the gay protected class to move quickly enforce this new moral order when it comes to power.
And what would one expect once that happens? Viewed from this perspective, the gay marriage campaign to eliminate the Bible and criminalize Christianity is following the classic playbook of the great genocide campaigns of the 20th century:
1) enlist the persuasiveness of mass media and the indoctrinating power of education to portray your intended target as the oppressor;
2) dehumanize your target as a lower form of life that would be better off dead;
3) demonize your target as a clear and present danger, branding him as an “extremist”;
4) employ paramilitary volunteer organizations to “guard” freethinking citizens by harassing your target in public and in their places of business;
5) manufacture a terrorist incident with your opponent’s fingerprints all over it;
6) seize the incident as a pretext to enforce preventive countermeasures to “cleanse” society of your opponent’s influence by eliminating his freedoms of speech, worship, association, and commerce;
7) unleash angry mobs to attack your opponent and destroy his property;
8) begin the systematic removal and extermination of your opponent from society in order to create a “safe” environment for all.
The recent genocides in Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur, and East Timor enter, exit, or reconfigure this pattern at different points to arrive at the same grisly end.
But perhaps the biggest reason many are now calling the American gay lobby’s intimidation tactics the new homofascism, is because it copies slavishly from the playbook of the last homosexual movement that came to power--- the Nazis in 1930’s Germany.
While gay rights activists have been busily trying to reinvent every great historical figure as gay, the one figure whose homosexuality they have been just as busy hiding is Adolf Hitler’s. That cover is blown here.
As a product of the public school system and the best university education available before there was political correctness, this was an eye-opener for me, largely because we were never taught to question the texts we were to be tested on. If you were schooled with “diversity” or ”tolerance” as every third word out of your instructors’ mouths, I’m thinking you may also need to pause here to wrap your head around the implication here--- the most extensive and systematic extermination of people of biblical faith was firmly rooted in the world’s first gay rights movement.
Again, the proof is here, professionally presented, with references to back it up, so there is no need to reinvent this wheel. Here are the spark notes for the history lesson you’ll never hear in school:
· The German gay rights movement was founded in the 1860’s by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, a homosexual lawyer who outed himself as a woman trapped in a man’s body.
· Ulrichs’s successors were Magnus Hirschfeld, founder of the Institute for Sex Research in Berlin, and Adolf Brand, publisher of the first homosexual magazine, Der Eigene (The Special), and founder of Gemeinschaft der Eigenen (The Community of the Special, or CS) in 1902.
· Hirschfeld and colleagues considered homosexuality as the “third sex” and through the ISR analyzed the proclivities and behaviors of this phenomenon as a new area of research.
· Brand and followers understood themselves as superior in masculinity even to heterosexual males, and fashioned themselves as the elite warrior cult modeled on the military heroes of classical Greece—ultra masculine and devoted to man-boy sex.
· The Wandervogel youth movement (similar to the Boy Scouts) became the setting under which CS males revived the Greek ideal of pedagogic pederasty, and spawned much of Nazi culture-- the Fuehrer principle, the sieg heil salute, the brown shirt uniforms, the homosexual orgies.
· The Wandervogel would also platform for the rise of the SA (Stormtroopers or “Brown Shirts”), a private army that grew to over 3 million strong. It was founded by Ernst Roehm, a rough and tough Bavarian army officer notorious for his ventures to gay bars and Turkish baths. Roehm himself was recruited by Gerhard Rossbach, hero of the pre-Hitler youth movement, and a noted "sadist, murderer and homosexual."
· SA commanders were almost entirely homosexual. The Nazis needed “a proud and arrogant lot” who could brawl, carouse, smash windows, deface storefronts, and slaughter opponents upon command. Straights, in both Roehm’s and Hitler’s judgments, were not up to the job. The first years of terrorism against the Jews, including Kristallnacht, were carried out by the SA, and overwhelming majority of SA officers were homosexual. You did not make it up the ranks, much less into the inner circle of power in the SA unless you were gay, and let your commanding officer have his way with you.
· Hitler was a protégé of Roehm. While nearly all evidence of Hitler’s same sex relationships has been erased, the fact that he surrounded himself with homosexuals is beyond dispute. Nobody made it into Roehm’s inner circle without first satisfying Roehm’s voracious homo-lust.
· Roehm was the architect of the first concentration camp, as well as the system for training its brutal guards.
· Goering, known for his cross-dressing proclivities, came up with the Final Solution to the Jewish question through 'emigration' and 'evacuation'.
· Nazi “persecution” of homosexuals was selectively enforced, usually as a pretext for getting rid of enemies both gay and straight. It did not even approach the seriousness of allegation and thoroughness of investigation required by even the slightest rumor of Jewish ancestry. The gay agenda’s claim to equal victimhood with Jews is entirely overblown, and revises a complex reality where ages-old blue laws banning homosexuality were often enforced by homosexual Nazi’s to prevent themselves from being blackmailed or outed.
· The German church had been attacked from within by liberal “Higher Critics”, who presented the Bible as a collection of myths, and from without by Nazi edicts to de-Christianize the young by forbidding prayer or religious instruction in the schools.
We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima Hitler did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.
Next: Every Reich Has A Holocaust