The First Seal:  Desecration of Scripture            

We may never witness an American president personally destroy scripture as Jehoiakim did to express his utter contempt for the God of Israel and his Word.  Even Hitler was careful not to directly express his hatred for the Bible, but his treatment of those who opposed him on scriptural grounds leaves no doubt of the convictions he expressed in private.

In the case of Barack Obama, we actually have public record of his hostility to God’s word--- before he became President.  In a revealing moment before Sojourners, a liberal Christian organization, Obama doesn’t rip pages from Scripture, he does worse--- he rips God’s words from context, acts as if he is the first person in history to ever notice these “glaring inconsistencies,” and tells those who take God at his word that they aren’t reading their Bible. 

Obama Ridicules Bible

Not only does Obama dismiss over 3,000 years of study, meditation and scholarship by people who not only read but memorized God’s Word, but risked their lives to do it, he also parrots the same excuses the Bible’s enemies have been making the last fifty years to justify banishing it from the schools, from the public square, and from general discourse. 

That was Barack Obama, the Senator. 

Question:  Has the First Seal been broken by Barack Obama, the President?  How will we know when it has happened?

Answer:  We will know it has happened by the outcome of the gay marriage debate in America.


There is a lot of heated, emotional rhetoric on both sides of this issue.  Most folks have pretty much made up their minds and the discussion has all but shut down.   So if you want to keep your eye on the ball from an eternal perspective, here are three fun facts you cannot forget: 


1)      Gay marriage is not about a struggle for civil rights and equality by an oppressed minority.  Gays are the most privileged, protected, and coddled class in America today.  They can do no wrong.  Media cannot glamorize them enough.  Educators cannot celebrate them enough.  Politicians cannot do their bidding obsequiously enough.  Churches cannot rewrite doctrine “inclusively” enough.  Corporations cannot throw money at them fast enough.  Everybody is afraid of them, as they were of the Nazis, the Communists, the atheists, etc.


2)      Gay marriage is not about “marriage equality.”  In a society that hates God and family, nothing could be a greater threat to the financial gravy train of dependency and delinquency than two people devoted for life to each other, regardless of their sex.  Those who holler the loudest for gay marriage are those who have hollered loudest against the protection of marriage and family.  Most gays are going to be in favor gay marriage because it offers a benefit, but there has been no huge rush of couples to the altar in states where it has been legalized.  That’s because at the end of the day there is just as much downside as there is upside in a marriage, particularly for those leading polyamorous lifestyles.   The issue is being noisily driven by Satanic militants who gay marriage for all its implications---legal entitlement to practice homosex whenever, wherever, and on whomever they wish, with those who would oppose them stripped of employment, denied benefits, fined into bankruptcy, and jailed as felons… where they will be gang-raped until they die.  Was that a snort of derision I just heard?   Read on…

3)      Gay marriage is about the suppression, desecration, destruction, and elimination of the Bible as we and millions have known it--- from the United States, and ultimately from the face of the Earth.  And it is about the criminalization of those who believe and practice its teachings.  If you read, believe, and try to practice the Bible's teachings, you will be targeted by the gay militias and you can expect no protection from the government to which you pay taxes. 

Gay Marriage: Satan's New Counter-Strategy for Principle #2

Remember Divine Principle of History #2?  Every nation founded on Scripture is sabotaged by Satan.  Why?  That nation is competing for his customers and messing up his plans.  In a competitive situation you have two choices—buy them out, or taken them out.  Real simple.   

Absolutely key to regaining that 99.9% market share that Satan enjoyed on public (im)morality prior to Christ's resurrection is--- you guessed it--- the elimination of the Bible.  No one who loves or hates the Bible would disagree, although Bible-haters will, of course, bristle at being told they are evil.  Not to worry:  it’s a long eternity, and they will eventually get used to it.

Long, long ago, back in the 20th century, Communist nations engaged in systematic extermination of the Bible, Christian symbols and references from public and private life.  During the height of the purges in these countries, you could be sent to your death in the labor camps for being found with a Bible in your home.  Churches were highly regulated as to what they could teach and not teach from the Bible.  Secret police attended to make sure clergy toed the politically correct party line.  Attendees’ names were taken down, and reported to party authorities to make sure these bigots were ostracized by coworkers and communities.  I have known people who lived under the system:  it was lock-down, industrial-strength totalitarianism.

 So why did it fail?

It failed because the authority to stamp out scripture was tied to the geographical state.  Satan’s dominion had literal borders.  A ban on the Bible in the Soviet Union and China could not be enforced in Hong Kong or Finland.  This gave rise to a massive Bible smuggling campaign, and soon the Communist bloc countries were flooded with more Bibles than they knew what to do with, and the walls of the Evil Empire came tumbling down in 1989.

 But not forever.  Satan always learns from his mistakes… and always comes back stronger.

Here is what he learned:  expand the footprint.   Culture, not state, must drive the elimination of the Bible, because culture is borderless, is enforced through peer pressure, and will eventually drag the repressive apparatus of the state along with it when politicians see how it delivers money and votes.  

And he has come back stronger with a fearsome borderless strategy

First, work globally through the borderless United Nations.  The Obama administration wasted no time in its first year in office sponsoring a hate-speech resolution in the UN that essentially lets those in power silence the powerless by classifying their views as “hate speech.“   

Second, work at the local level to transform borderless gay rights movements into gay marriage movements.

Why gay marriage, of all things?  Because the Bible specifically forbids it.   Abortionists can slither around Scripture, atheists can exist outside it, but the Bible specifically condemns homosexuality, and leaves absolutely no scriptural grounds for gay marriage.  Even trying to brute-force the Bible into supporting a gay marriage worldview, only results in klugey hermenueutic that is not going to be worth the pretzels I have to twist myself into to make it work.  

But if a gay wedding is going to be held, people generally expect that there to be a higher moral power that is sanctioning it.  The God of the Bible clearly does not, so if homosex and gay marriage are going to become a right, the Bible must become wrong.  And it must be outlawed to keep people from using it to conscientiously object to gay marriage. That is why there is so much pressure everywhere in the culture for gay marriage: 


1) For gay marriage to become legal, it must also become moral.  

2) And for gay marriage to become moral, the Bible must become illegal.   

3) Regardless of what gay marriage does for anyone else, Satan sees it as his golden opportunity to destroy the Bible and eliminate its influence, and he is not going to blow it this time!


Global War on the Bible

The worldwide campaign to exterminate the Bible started in the pushover socialist democracies of Europe and Canada, where there are no speech or religion guarantees, and a liberal church with a longstanding tradition of surrender to anything that shouts slogans.   The campaign has been welcomed everywhere with open arms.  Any after-the-fact opposition is being mercilessly crushed.    

·          In Sweden, a pastor who dared to speak out against the gay agenda was taken all the way to the Supreme Court by a government determined to imprison him.  “Collecting Bible verses” that show there is no scriptural grounds for gay marriage was determined to be a form of “hate speech.”   Swedes cannot even protect themselves from being sexually violated by the protected classes.  One man was sentenced to two months in prison for writing that he was disgusted at hearing of the gang-rapes of Swedish women perpetrated by Muslim immigrants.  Makes you wonder what will happen to parents whose children come home having been homosexually raped down in the locker room during gym class.  Read further if you think this will never happen. Not my words:  theirs.

·       Britain, on the other hand, is busy turning turning traditionally-minded citizens into lawbreakers, beginning the incremental legal creep that will force churches to conduct gay marriage, and bullying their former colonies former colonies such as Uganda into legalizing gay rights.  

·       Canada has gotten ahead of the mother country, outlawing the Bible as "hate speech", with a Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of banning the Bible expected shortly.  Meanwhile, the Canadian Human Rights Commission, charged with enforcing this new order, freely admits that its role is to censor politically incorrect expression.  

·       In the United States, banning the Bible as hate speech has made landfall in--- you guessed it--- California, where SB 777 has turned public schools into alternative lifestyle indoctrination camps.  Anything defined by the complainant as promoting a “discriminatory bias” will be grounds for discipline as “harassment”, which includes opposing same-sex marriage, holding that homosexuality is not innate, or complaining about students who use restrooms designated for the gender with which they identify.

The Bible is also under attack from within the ranks of Christianity as well.  Voices from the church’s appeasement wing, such as Exodus International and Rachel Held Evans, tell us the debate is over and it’s time to move on.  They claim to be weary of the culture wars, ready to lay down their arms and wash feet, because we are losing the next generation. Sell-out celebrities like Carrie Underwood tell us that Christianity “is not about setting rules and that everybody should be free to marry the person they love.” Meanwhile, mainstream denominations such as Episcopal and Presbyterian churches have decided to put the gay agenda up for a vote--- as if God’s word is something to be voted on.  These words from Isaiah sound as if they were written yesterday, not three thousand years ago: 

These are rebellious people, deceitful children… unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instruction. They say to the seers, “See no more visions!” and to the prophets, “Give us no more visions of what is right!  Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions. Leave this way, get off this path, and stop confronting us with the Holy One of Israel!”  Isaiah 30:9-11

It was this kind of thinking by God’s people that wiped Israel and Judah off the map, and destroyed the temple of Jerusalem, the place where the Ark of the Covenant came to rest.  It is this kind of thinking that will wipe America off the map, and destroy the Bible, the book which contains the very words of God on how to get out of this life alive forever. 

David R. Carlin, Jr., Catholic sociologist and author, sums it up best, "The drive for same sex marriage is not simply about same sex marriage or the moral legitimization of homosexual behavior; it is also about the de-legitimizing of Christian morality. But the Christian moral system is no minor part of Christianity, any more than the heart or lungs are minor parts of the human body. Overthrow the Christian moral system and you will have overthrown Christianity itself. Therefore, those who are pushing for the institution of same sex marriage are ipso facto pushing for the elimination of the Christian religion."

Here is what that elimination looks like:  self-righteous vandalism, unabashed disrespect, and  terror and intimidation  against anyone who dares to disagree. 

America, meet your fascist future, coming to state capitol, county seat, city hall, school, church, or business--- wherever the rainbow flag of tolerance and inclusion is raised.  

Behold the opening of the First Seal:  the destruction and desecration of scripture to make way for gay marriage. 

Next, The Second Seal--- Criminalization of Christianity